Thankfully, the flood waters are starting to recede and no more rain is forecast till Friday. Jon and I are safe and dry at home,fortunate to come out of the flood unharmed. I have been off work since returning from NYC on Sunday, as the area Watkins is located in is under a mandatory evacuation. It feels surreal at times though; one mile north of our house is completely devastated, while a mile south has already recovered. Quite a few volunteer organizations and grassroots groups are doing amazing things for the area by letting those of us who are able know when and where to help. As of last night, I heard the death count is at 30- heartbreaking. Of the folks I know who did lose their homes and cars, most did not have flood insurance because they weren't near flood zones. Recovery will be extensive and costly. Others will be affected by loss of employment, Opryland and Oprymills alone provided thousands of jobs. I am thankful for my safety in all of this, and the fact that parts of the city remain unharmed, allowing us to provide aid for those in need. Please keep middle Tennesssee in your thoughts and prayers for the days and months to come.
If you are outside the area consider donating financially, the Red Cross has made it easy for you! Just text REDCROSS to 90999.
If you are able and in the area, login to Hands on Nashville for volunteer opportunities.
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